全球前四大会计事务所之一的KPMG发布了一份报告《Pulse of Fintech》,显示全球各地区金融科技投资趋势,2019年全球fintech投资仅次于2018年,在2,693笔交易中投资了1,357亿美元。
2019年期间,fintech细分出许多领域且持续增长和发展,例如不动产科技投资protech investment(property + technology)从2018年的19亿美元增长到2019年创纪录的26亿美元,而专注于fintech的网络安全投资cybersecurity investment从3.169亿美元增长至6.462亿美元,超过一倍。然而区块链和加密货币投资却受到波动,投资额从去年的63亿美元下降到47亿美元,尽管Facebook宣布LIBRA计划和中国人民银行宣布加快对数字人民币DCEP和电子支付的开发。
Fintech Investment Market's Situation
2019全球fintech投资了1,375亿美元仅略低于创纪录的2018年,期间全球企业VC(Venture Capital)投资参与度增加,带动参与CVC(Corporate Venture Capital)的投资总额达到167亿美元。
“In 2020, the lines are going to continue to blur between financial services and non-financial services – with big techs like Alibaba, Tencent, Google and others continuing to look for ways to integrate financial services within their ecosystem of offerings to their customers. Integration will be a big priority and the unbundling of financial services that has occurred over the past few years will likely start to reverse as fintechs, traditional financial institutions, and big techs look to provide more value and more seamless experiences to their customers”
根据KPMG合伙人马纳夫·普拉卡什(Manav Prakash)的说法,2020年金融与非金融服务间的界限将越趋模糊,Alibaba阿里巴巴、Tencent腾讯、Google谷歌等大型技术公司持续寻找整合金融的方法,欲结合为客户提供的产品生态系统。整合是项优先重大工程,传统金融机构和大型科技公司希望为客户提供更无缝且有价值的消费体验,fintech将是趋势。
Key Predictions for 2020
7、业界对开放数据(open data)的关注将超越传统银行业务,转移到其他相关金融服务。
“Regulators are increasingly allowing new Fintech entrants into their financial sectors in order to accelerate industry transformation. And as the Fintech-driven unbundling of incumbent financial institutions' product portfolios hits a peak, the race is now on to re-bundle services and experiences around customer-centric, data-driven platforms. Competition is coming from Neo Banks, Fintechs as they look to scale, and Technology Platform Challengers such as Amazon, WeChat, Alibaba. Firms that effectively orchestrate platform or ecosystem environments typically end up as the winners. ”
KPMG数字创新单位主管Anthony Harris认为,越来越多监管机构允许fintech进入其金融部门,以加速转型。随着现有由fintech主导的金融机构产品组合达到顶峰,如今,以客户、数据中心运作的平台,重新组合服务和体验的竞争将持续进行。竞争者包括寻求扩大规模的fintech公司Neo Banks以及Amazon、WeChat、阿里巴巴等技术平台。有效整合平台及生态系统的公司将会成为赢家。